Dirian data diskon libc-TPC-TPC

Liy-tpc-y cabere

Jénmén produk

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pasangan screed, Emc-pikaresep ngetik

Konduktor Kelas 5 oksigén tambaga kerjun bébas, dumasar kana Din VDE 0295, bs 6360, iE60280
Insulasi PVC pikeun Kores, TI2 ka Din VDE 0207-363-3 / Din En 50363-3
Layar Ditinpas-copled wicat pikeun unggal pasangan
Heurat Pvc (polyvinil klorida) warna: kulawu


Tés Variet: inti / inti 1200V

Voltase puncak Paker: 500 v

Suhu suhu:

Benerkeun: - 5 ° C ka + 70 ° C

Pamasangan dibereskeun: -30 ° C kanggo + 70 ° C

Radius bendung minimum:

Dibereskeun: 7.5 x diaméter sadayana

Flexing: 12 x diaméter sadayana



No.py xcross-sec. Diastian luar. Tambaga fisik. Beurat kabel perkiraan.
mm² mm kg / km kg / km
2 x 2 x 0,25 6,2 32.0 60.0
3 x 2 x 0,25 6,8 48.0 80.0
4 x 2 x 0,25 7.4 64.0 112.0
5 x 2 x 0,25 8.7 80.0 142.0
6 x 2 x 0,25 9.1 96.0 159.0
7 x 2 x 0,25 9.6 112.0 177.0
10 x 2 x 0,25 11.7 130.0 250.0
2 x 2 x 0,34 6,7 42.0 78.0
3 x 2 x 0,34 7.5 63.0 104.0
4 x 2 x 0,34 8.1 84.0 153.0
5 x 2 x 0,34 9,5 105.0 189.0
7 x 2 x 0,34 10. 1 147.0 238.0
10 x 2 x 0,34 13.4 210.0 322.0
2 x 2 x 0,5 8.3 58.0 96.0
2 x 3 x 0,5 9.2 87.0 136.0
2 x4 x 0,5 10.2 116.0 187.0
2 x 2 x 0,75 9.2 76.0 132.0
3 x 2 x 0,75 10. 1 114.0 178.0
4 x 2 x 0,75 11.2 152.0 243.0
5 x 2 x 0,75 12.7 190.0 312.0
2 x 2 x 1.0 9.6 86.0 142.0
3 x 2 x 1.0 10.8 130.0 189.0
4 x 2 x 1.0 11.9 149.0 275.0



Particularly suitable for offers total interference-free data transfer and is ideal for use as a signal and control cable in combination with computers and external units. Pasipatan sébuan ogé ngadamel jinis kabel ieu cocog kanggo dianggo salaku sistem anu nyambungkeun persiapan kecapdio anu saé. Ngasungan tambaga data data sareng transmisi sinyal bébas pikeun ngukur sareng sistem ngontrol.

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